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LAŠEK spol. s r.o. is a company focused on warehousing and logistics, and on national and international road transport according to CZ-NACE 52.29 (Provision of other transport services), 49.41.0 (Freight transport by road). The company sells its services to other economic entities. Other key interested parties that have an impact on the company's operations include company employees, suppliers, local organizations, residents of communities affected by the company’s operation, local governments, and state administration.

The head office is U Sirkárny 658, Č. Budějovice. Other sites include Site B (U Sirkárny K / 1118/27, U Sirkárny K / 1126/1, České Budějovice) and Site C (Pekárenská 584, České Budějovice) in the industrial area of České Budějovice, Czech Republic,as well as the logistics area D Hůry 239,373 71 Hůry

In order to ensure an effective and environmentally friendly management of the company and production processes, our company implemented the quality management system according to ČSN EN ISO 9001: 2016 and the environmental management system according to ČSN EN ISO 14001: 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the Integrated Management System, IMS).

The basic strategic goal of the company is to satisfy the current and future needs and expectations of our customers, thereby increasing their competitiveness and market share. We also demand continuous improvement in all areas that concern both environmental protection and occupational safety and health. For this reason, the company management undertook the obligation to disseminate the principles of occupational health and safety and environmental protection and to transfer them to their business partners.

In order to successfully put the strategic projects into practice, the company management developed and approved this policy, which frames its overall goals and directions of impact. With the help of these elements, steps are taken to improve the IMS. These steps enable the employees to be involved in the development of the company and to reduce the safety risks and the effects of negative environmental aspects.

The company management considers the system to be a constantly evolving part of the overall leadership that effectively supports the realization of the company's strategic intentions. It is done by processes set in an adequate manner and control parameters of performance in terms of quality and environment.

One of the important aspects of effective and successful leadership is adherence to the binding obligations arising from legislative, normative, contractual and other requirements. The company is committed to protecting the environment and to applying pollution prevention measures.

České Budějovice, 1 January 2023

Ing. Jiří Lašek, Managing Director